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CypressIO Test Automation Framework Training
Core Section of Cypressio Learning
Course Introduction (1:15)
Benefits (3:55)
Writing BDD Feature Files (3:10)
CypressIO and Cucumber based feature files and step definitions (5:38)
Automation Framework-Creating Framework-Application (5:33)
cypress 101 (7:09)
Login verification (15:31)
Cypressio browser title verification test (3:46)
Login Page Verification (7:54)
Cypress Recorder (1:50)
BeforeEach and Aliases (2:02)
Mocha Reports using cypressio (6:34)
Multiple Mocha Reports using cypressio (3:06)
Allure Reports using cypressio (3:59)
Functional Defects (2:08)
npm audit (9:24)
CypressIO Framework Setup
42 gTAA v2 (5:44)
37 Cypress Architecture v2 (5:48)
32 Fork the code and write your scripts v3 (8:19)
29 Live cypressio framework for free v2 (6:09)
02 Launch cypress from visual studio v3 (3:36)
23 Device compatibility using cypressio v2 (4:13)
86 Error -cucumber preprocessor fix v2 (4:59)
CypressIO Installation
NPM Installation (8:27)
Installation of Chrome Browser for Cypress (2:23)
Using Firefox and Electron (2:13)
Installing Microsoft Edge for Cypress (1:33)
Installing Canary for Cypress (1:06)
Launch browser (1:53)
general Test Automation Architecture Comparison with Cypressio
Selenium Architecture vs Cypress (3:49)
UFT Architecture (2:18)
Nightwatch Architecture (2:23)
Protractor Architecture (3:09)
Events with CypressIO
Click event using cypressio (2:19)
Double Click event using cypressio (2:44)
Right Click event using cypressio (2:23)
Check event using cypressio (2:50)
Check assertion event using cypressio (1:08)
Uncheck event using cypressio (3:05)
Mouse events using cypressio (4:48)
Select items in Dropdown using cypressio (5:35)
Upload files using cypress (8:19)
Cypress DevOps Pipeline
Jenkins Cypress Tests (5:33)
Run Cypress Tests in Docker (8:15)
Run Cypress Tests in Docker using Docker Toolbox (4:44)
Cypress BrowserStack Integration
BrowserStack Registration (1:12)
BrowserStack Cypress Installation (3:09)
BrowserStack JSon (2:40)
BrowserStack Execution (0:52)
Object Identification
Using Chropath for identifying object properties (1:55)
Web Accessibility
Cypress Axe (7:50)
Cypress Accessibility Automation (8:02)
Visual Testing
Visual testing with cypressio (5:18)
Visual testing defects (2:38)
Cypress Meetup Session
Complete Cypress Meetup Session (Recorded) (44:56)
Cypress LambdaTest Integration (Updated as on July2021)
Cross Browser Tests with Cypress and LambdaTest (4:56)
BrowserStack Registration
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