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Web Accessibility Mastery
Course Introduction (2:39)
Why there is a need of accessibility testing?
Accessibility Testing Introduction (14:47)
User Personas
Accessibility for Users with Disabilities, Color Blindness, 'No Coffee' Demo (6:21)
User with Stress Injury (2:19)
User with Complete vision loss (2:36)
User with hearing loss (2:27)
Accessibility Tools Demo
NVDA Screen Reader Demo (17:41)
WAVE Accessibility Audit (5:41)
AxeDevTools Accessibility Audit (5:08)
Web Accessibility Development Best Practices
Screen Readers Basics (2:52)
Fix Technique for Language in a link (1:25)
Tooltip Meaningful Sequence (1:57)
Tooltip Test without Close button (4:29)
Tooltip Test with Close button (5:31)
Table with Caption-Exercise
Landmarks in Websites (3:37)
Keyboard Shortcuts for Landmarks in webpages (0:51)
Landmark through Insert F7 (1:23)
Example Landmark (2:06)
Definition of List (1:01)
Definition of List NVDA (0:18)
Unordered List NVDA (0:25)
Ordered List (0:55)
Ordered List NVDA (0:15)
Paired List (0:52)
Paired List NVDA (0:12)
Aria Label, Before, Role and Tabindex for Link (1:52)
Alt Text for Images (1:48)
Span for links (0:51)
Links Read in Screen Reader (1:52)
WCAG and nav of navigation (1:54)
Navigation Read by Screen reader (3:27)
Role as navigation and visually hidden (3:00)
Highlight Current Page (1:48)
Example from Udemy (1:52)
Aria Label for Links through Navigation (0:51)
Navigation inside webpages (3:54)
Tab Index -1 (1:07)
Tab Index 0 (1:19)
Code Execution of Display when focus in CodePen (1:03)
Character Key Shortcuts (2:14)
Table with th and col (1:12)
Tab Index above 0 (1:47)
Tab Index Browser Support (1:13)
Display none to be avoided for skip links (1:32)
Paginated view (2:06)
Tables in Web pages (1:49)
Keyboard Shortcuts to show all tables (1:10)
Keyboard Shortcuts to move inside table (1:35)
Table with caption (1:47)
Table with Summary (1:02)
Table with Table Description (0:49)
Table with FigCaption (0:53)
Table with visually hidden table description (1:06)
Table with Aria-label (1:23)
Table with Aria-labelledby (0:47)
Table Column Name shld be Meaningful (0:35)
Table with scope on col and row (0:43)
Table Column Group Header (0:50)
Table Row Group Header (0:45)
iFrames (2:19)
Color Blindness Test (2:33)
Web Accessibility Testing Best Practices
Audio Control Accessibility Testing (4:56)
Audio Control using JAWS and Internet Explorer (13:57)
Web Testing using NVDA Screen Reader (6:00)
Verifying Keyboard based Access using Screen Readers (4:25)
Verifying Color Contrast for Accessibility Requirements (5:54)
Verifying Animations against Accessibility Requirements (7:59)
Verifying Accessibility using Zoom Text - magnifier (5:53)
Verifying Accessibility Violations using Tool Pa11y (19:54)
Verifying Accessibility Violations using Tool Axe (8:07)
Verifying Accessibility through Automated BDD Tests (16:51)
Verifying Tables for Accessibility (1:46)
Verifying Table-Best Practices (1:26)
Accessibility Testing-Defect Identification Example (4:47)
Accessibility Requirements Testing for Hearing Loss Customers (2:11)
Techniques to Design Accessibility Test Cases
Design Non Text Content Test (10:59)
Non Text Content Test-Same Test with Results (1:25)
Non Text Content Test on SVG -Sample Test with Results (1:22)
Non Text Content Test on Icon Fonts-Sample Test File
Design 'Information And Relationships' Test (4:04)
Meaningful Sequence- Sample Test (3:47)
Sensory Characteristics- Sample Test (3:43)
Design 'Use of Color'- Sample Test (2:15)
Design 'Audio Control' Test - Sample Test (2:30)
Design Minimum Contrast - Sample Test (3:21)
Design 'Resize Text' Test - Sample Test (1:55)
Design to verify 'Images of Text'- Sample Test (1:43)
Design to verify 'Keyboard Accessibility'- Sample Test File
Design to verify 'Keyboard Accessibility' in Single Page Applications- Sample Test File
Design to check 'No Keyboard Trap' while testing with keyboard- Sample Test File
Design to check 'Time Adjustable' features- Sample Test File
Design to check 'Pause-Stop-Hide' features- Sample Test File
Design to check 'Re-authentication of Session'- Sample Test File
Accessibility Test Automation
Cypress Accessibility Audit Tests using Cypress-Axe (7:50)
Cypress Accessibility Automation Tests (8:02)
Keynote Series
Web Accessibility Testing Trends and Shift Left Testing (11:13)
Quality Engineering with the focus on accessibility testing (35:47)
Cypress Accessibility Audit Tests using Cypress-Axe
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